Integrating-Being Coaching & Bodywork

Margaret Eisenberg, SEP, CMT

Rates, Payment & Cancellation


                                                       Image Credit: Uwe Merkel


~Rates & Payment~


I offer Sliding-Scale...

Please choose what's healthful for you Within Scale

(no additional tip expected)

I receive Payment by:  Cash, Paypal, Checks

(see *Paypal Instructions further below)


                      ~COACHING RATES~

~FIRST SESSION (usu 90-120min)  (for clients who have never experienced S.E. before, & never had session w/ me)..

                                                               .. Sliding Scale  $85- 200

~FOLLOW-UP SESSIONS    75min     Sliding Scale  $75- 140

~FOLLOW-UP SESSIONS    90min     Sliding Scale  $80- 150

~FOLLOW-UP SESSIONS   120min    Sliding Scale $105-200

Normally I recommend initial S.E./Coaching session be without bodywork-table.  We can discuss more, if table-inclusion interests you.



          ~BASIC BODYWORK RATES (in-studio)~

Note~ session-lengths indicate actual table-work/ bodywork time.  Your visit may be up to 30-mins longer in-studio~ allowing time for verbal check-in / integration before & after table.

~60-MIN BODYWORK  (90-min total)   Sliding Scale    $80- 150

~75-MIN BODYWORK  (105-min total)  Sliding Scale    $90- 175

~90-MIN BODYWORK  (120-min total)  Sliding Scale   $105-200

~120-MIN BODYWORK (150-min total) Sliding Scale    $135-250

.Important: Rate-Adjustment/ADD-ON for in-Client-Home (or in-Client-Office) Bodywork:

 =  Basic bodywork-rate (above) PLUS Add-On...  Amount depends on: Where home is located, transit cost, travel-time etc.

>I don’t have car, so travel via public transit, Uber etc. from downtown San Francisco.

     (I don't have exact "formula" for add-on-rate(s),   So... When we schedule, let’s chat re. your location, transit costs/time etc.)


              (All sessions include option of Pre-Natal)

~  ~ 


~Cancellation & Late "Policies"~


If you need to cancel, I request you let me know 24 hours (or more) in advance, so I can plan day, & client-sessions.

If you need to cancel less than 24 hours in advance, due to non-emergency reasons  (such as change in your schedule/plans, forgetting, new priority, or friend shows up in town etc), I kindly request you STILL PAY FOR YOUR SESSION  (you are welcome to pay lowest amount on sliding-scale, if you wish).

However, if you have emergency, are unexpectedly sick/contagious (last-minute, in-person sessions), or have been recently exposed to covid19 & need to isolate (in-person sessions)....   and if you aren't aware of this issue until less than 24 hours in advance.... Please let me know as soon as you are able (no payment requested).

Running Late~

If you run late, I gently ask you still pay for full-length session, since I reserved the time for you.  At times I may be able to "go over" to give you a little extra time, but can't guarantee this.

Thanks for your understanding!  Please let me know if any questions.

~  ~

*Paypal Instructions

Steps may vary, in exact order/ words,

   depending on your device/ version...

   The following info (approximate) should help:

.Login to Paypal account.

.click "Send" icon

.choose/send (to me) by my ph# or email

 (4155091020 or )

.choose "sending to a friend" (or it may say "personal" or "family/friends")

 (please don't choose 'item/services/goods' , b/c that makes fee)

.select payment-method:

   NOTE~ if you connect your payment-method directly to your bank account, it will be Free for you.  (aka- you can "set up a payment method" & enter your bank-account-number, as method).

  (but if you use payment-method connected to credit-card, it will charge you a small fee, even for "friends" payments...)

So basically~ Connecting to "bank account" + sending to "friends" is way neither of us gets charged.

.click send/confirm

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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