Integrating-Being Coaching & Bodywork

Margaret Eisenberg, SEP, CMT

Bodywork~ Gentle & Integrative


      Image Credit: Randi Hausken, Nature's Heart, via Flickr


      ~Integrating-Being Bodywork~



~This therapeutic Bodywork is non-sexual & non-romantic.

~I also offer Pre-Natal Bodywork Sessions.



Mostly-subtler Bodywork (profound & sensitive)-  weaving together Craniosacral, subtle Myofascial, energy/Jin Shin Jyutsu®, Intuitive-holds/intuition etc~  with or without some gentle massage woven-in.   Welcomes also-  awareness/care of emotions, spiritual presence, somatic processing, etc., if wished.

~Body. Heart. Mind. Spirit.~

~     ~     ~


~General Approach / Style~

~Bodywork Sessions approach how you feel, in different way than 'mainstream' bodywork:  This gentle meaningful often-subtle work tends to be more holistic, interwoven & integrative (as opposed to specifically-clinical/ symptom-focused/ linear).  Allows deep-listening, sensing, unfolding, & supportive space.

~You are first invited to share what's cooking for you~ physically, emotionally, spiritually etc; as well as any intention(s)/wish(es) for our time together.

~The Bodywork itself weaves together~ gentle profound intuitive styles:  Including Craniosacral therapy, Energetically-aware flow/attunement (Jin Shin Jyutsu & more), slow Myofascial softening, profound Holds, & perhaps Somatic awareness.  While most of this work involves "hands-on," there may be occasional "hands-off."

       Bodywork sessions can be without actual massage (focusing on subtler integrative work); or can Blend-in some gentle-to-moderate massage, along with other modalities.

~At times I receive "intuitive hits"  ~ images, words, or other sensations/channels.  I may share these with you, if it resonates/ supports.

~I also welcome some awareness/exploration, if wished~     re. emotional/spiritual awareness, &/or somatic-awareness/integration:     This may include tuning-in/tending areas where experiences/history are stored:  [ie]- life, stress, hope, relaxation, relationships, love, oppression/ power/ privilege, skin-color, grief, age, work, sexuality, childhood, habitual patterns, events, spirituality, emotional-depth etc.

~Sessions may also be silent, as wished:  as you drop-in & receive the bodywork.

~I will hold you with immense care & safety ~ physically, emotionally & spiritually.



~Practical Clothing & Positioning:  .For non-massage Bodywork, you'll probably be clothed, likely lying face-up much or all of session.  (There are also options of side-lying, face-down, &/or semi-reclined, if appropriate.)

    .For "Blend" Session, you may sometimes be face-down & sometimes face-up (or side-lying etc.).  Depending on which areas we gently massage, you may be partly or more fully un-clothed (as feels comfortable/safe for you) ~ always covered/draped appropriately w/ session sheets.

     .Please wear comfy "lounge"-type clothes without belt-buckles/buttons/zips etc.~ in case you are fully or partly clothed during session~ to support ease, comfort & flexibility during your session. 


~Location-Dependent Setup

(a) If In-Studio near Downtown SF, we will use regular massage table set-up.

(b) If In Client Homes (or offices)

.These sessions will not use bodywork table, unless you have your own.

.Reminder: Sessions are strictly therapeutic; not-romantic / not-sexual.

.Instead of bodywork table, we will use supportive props &/or furnishings you have in your unique home / office. 

    Often-time using bed as table, is good stand-in for bodywork table... Though we can also use couch, chair, yoga mat etc  (plus any pillows/blankets/supports etc, you have on hand).

.Please have on-hand: 1 flat sheet to lie on, plus blanket, heater, pillow-props, water etc. (& mat or carpet for floor sessions) for your own comfort/positioning during session.      

.Covid safety in-home: Please see web-page "covid & germ safety."

.Rate-Adjustment for in-client-home Bodywork = Basic bodywork-rate  PLUS add-on...  (please see "Rates" page for more info)

.This in-home set-up allows

(i) You/client to rest/nap/integrate after sesh, if you like!  (no need to get up & go. :)  

(ii) Option (if wished) for hands-on-care in creative-3-D space (ie- standing/ sitting/ moving in-home , etc).                                      

Let me know if any questions!


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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