Integrating-Being Coaching & Bodywork

Margaret Eisenberg, SEP, CMT

About Somatic Experiencing® (S.E.)

This page gives in-depth info re. Somatic Experiencing®, specifically.

(You can see "Coaching" & "Bodywork" pages, for more overall/general descrips of Sessions.)


                                                   Image Credit:  Anne Stewart-Baker



~Somatic Experiencing® ("S.E.")~

S.E. will be supportive underlying thread in Coaching Sessions, & can also be included in Bodywork Sessions if desired. 


~About S.E.~

.S.E. is "psycho-biological" approach to Heal/ integrate stored tension, emotions, trauma, pain, energy, numbness & life-experiences... 

.S.E. supports healthfully-regulated, resilient, embodied "inner-systems" (nervous-system, body/ emotions, digestive-system, etc).  We gently discover, tend, unwind, release, integrate (a process that can be at times reassuring, at times intense/bumpy).  We grow our capacity to naturally experience Life's sensations,* emotions, layers.  Over time, this often leads to sense of more Wholeness, settled-ness, aliveness, flow & wisdom.

.How? We gently explore, discover and navigate clues from Body’s felt-Sensations*, & clues from Emotions, Images, Gestures, Memory, etc.      (note*~ If you have little-to-no access to physical sensations &/or feel unsafe w/ physical sensations ~  we can use alternative pathways.  We can also gradually develop more access to physical-sensation, as safe/ appropriate.)

Examples of how Sensation-Awareness (& Awareness of Images & other non-analytical experiences) can help:

.provide nourishing resources for support/ grounding/ safety

.anchor in present-time

.give deeper information/ insight/ clues to investigate/ discover

.jump-the-tracks from "habit-mind-patterns” (discovering something fresh/ different)

.pace ourselves intelligently

.safely gradually unwind/ release challenge areas

.provide deeper integration/ "digestion"

.build capacity to experience this moment & life



~Step-by-Step Approach ("Titration")~

.You might think of S.E. as “physical therapy" for the nervous-system & emotions.   Just as regular P.T. carefully works sensitive/numb/atrophied/injured areas of body, in a paced way (to safely awaken/heal, not re-injure)~   S.E. mindfully tends to sensitive areas of your life-experience in mindfully-paced way ...

Part of this therapeutic process, is taking time to Pause between "dives"/ explorations (& to receive nourishment/ support/ settling) ~  as your inner-systems settle, unwind, digest, integrate, evolve. 

Many of us were taught to “override” natural need/ process for bit-by-bit "Titration" & Integration...  to pause, digest, recover & capacity-build, amid experiences.   We were taught to “hurry on” to next thing...  But that common "speed-through" often leads to stress & trauma.    S.E.’s slow-down "bit-by-bit" approach can be "antidote"!...  Enabling more full integration,  healing, nourishment & life-capacity.



~What does S.E. Look-Like?~

~Arrangement in Room:

     .S.E. often starts with practitioner and client seated, chatting verbally.

     .We take time to get you comfortable.

     .Throughout session, you can change position/ seating, adjust distance/ angle between us, etc.  Maybe at times helpful for you to sit/ stand/ stretch/ recline/ move-around, during session.

     .You're always welcome to request changes in temperature, to use support-cushions/ blanket, to make other adjustments etc.


~"Doing The Work":

     .We take time for you to notice your surroundings ("Orienting"). 

     .We may at times, socially “chit-chat” about random stuff. 

(The above-two can help re-orient to present-time, as well as help settle, unwind, integrate & establish safety.)

     .We spend time tuning into pleasant/ supportive/ comfortable (or neutral/ "okay") sensations & experiences ("Resourcing"). This helps your nervous-system gather nourishment & support, to handle the challenges.

     .We take time to safely experience difficult/ challenging sensations/ awareness... & then alternate with more comfortable experiences ("Pendulation"). This gently builds-capacity, integrates, & helps calm/ unwind/ integrate, as we go through tough stuff.

     .I often ask what you're noticing/ experiencing:  physically, emotionally, etc (pleasant, unpleasant, neutral).  We may "hang out" with aspects (pleasant, unpleasant, neutral); noticing how they change/ evolve etc.

     .I may notice & ask you to feel/ try~  physical-gestures (often sub-conscious), movements, shaking, temperature etc.  This may include “self-care” gestures, “healthy-aggression”/ ”self-protection” gestures (which can represent healthy-shift toward survival-instincts), & more.

     .I may ask you to “slow down” or “pause.”  We may “re-visit” something you've shared, more slowly.  (This helps your system register/ explore/ discover/ digest/ integrate.)

     .We pause and change-focus at times (this helps settle, & shift the balance as needed).

     .We may simply pause and experience~ Presence, Silence, Wholeness, Mystery.



     .I might at times offer supportive therapeutic touch~ only with your permission, & as feels useful/ safe/ supportive.  Examples:  Me placing my foot or hand on your feet, to help with grounding/settling; me placing my hand on your upper-back for comfort/support, etc.

     .You can always choose “yes” or “no” or “let’s try and see."   You can ask for adjustments in pressure/ positioning of touch, ask for different more helpful placement-of-touch, ask to end touch or take break, pause, change-mind, etc. Always full permission to choose, adjust, stop, try-again, etc.  (We can also tune-into your process/ experience of touch).

     (Therapeutic touch will be *non*-sexual & *non*-romantic.  It’s also not massage.  If you wish a fair amount of therapeutic-touch in-session, let's decide ahead; so we can use bodywork-table in-session.  Usually I recommend at least one non-table S.E. session, first.)



~Book-Resources (Optional)~ 

~Short accessible book-  gives some explanations, plus some home-exercises to try: 

   ."Healing Trauma~ A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body"  by Peter Levine.


~More in-depth book- gives deeper explanations of S.E. science/biology & process, plus nice case-stories: 

   ."In an Unspoken Voice~ How the Body Releases Trauma & Restores Goodness"  by Peter Levine.


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